DNA Learning Center Nigeria Director, Prof. George Ude has urged for more hands-on learning in the advancement of science education and development in Nigeria.

Speaking today 8th May at One-day Biosafety and Biotechnology sensitization workshop for the South East zone hosted by Ofab, AATF, NBRDA in collaboration with the IFPRI-PBS & Godfrey Okoye University held at the Barr. Dr. Peter Mbah, law auditorium, Godfrey Okoye University, Enugu, Prof. Ude, represented by the Deputy Director, DNA Learning Centre, Mr. Michael Okoro highlighted the critical role of hands-on laboratory experience in fortifying public confidence in genetically modified (GM) foods.

Addressing attendees at the event themed "GM Food Safety Stewardship: Fortifying Public Confidence," Professor Ude underscored the moral imperative of ensuring the safety and sustainability of the food supply in the age of biotechnology.

"In an era marked by rapid advancements in genetic modification technologies, the need to foster public confidence in the safety of genetically modified foods assumes paramount importance," Professor Ude stated.

He emphasized the pivotal role of laboratory experience in the development of biotechnology, stating, "Laboratory work serves as the crucible where theory converges with practice, where scientific inquiry transcends the confines of textbooks and takes flight into the realm of innovation."

Drawing attention to the DNA Learning Center Nigeria at Godfrey Okoye University, Professor Ude highlighted the importance of hands-on laboratory experience as the cornerstone of biotechnological advancement.

"Through experiential learning, young, aging, and aspiring scientists not only acquire technical proficiency but also cultivate a profound appreciation for the rigors and nuances of scientific inquiry," he said.

Professor Ude also stressed the significance of laboratory experience in fostering a culture of collaboration and mentorship, ensuring the continuity of knowledge and the perpetuation of best practices.

Highlighting the importance of universities in discussions on GM food safety stewardship, Professor Ude quoted Professor Christian Anieke, saying, "A university is associated with certain ideas: freedom of discussion, freedom to inquire, freedom to interrogate, freedom to think and innovate, and freedom to teach."

Concluding his remarks, Professor Ude reaffirmed the commitment to fostering a culture of excellence in biotechnological education and research and expressed openness to collaborations and partnerships.

"In closing, let us heed the words of Louis Pasteur, who famously remarked, 'In the fields of observation, chance favors only the prepared mind.' Let us prepare ourselves, through hands-on laboratory experience and unwavering dedication, to confront the challenges and seize the opportunities that lie ahead in the noble pursuit of GM food safety stewardship," Professor Ude concluded.

The DNA Learning Center Nigeria and Godfrey Okoye University have expressed openness to collaborations and extensive partnerships to advance the cause of ensuring GM food safety.

The event saw participation from scientists, policymakers, and stakeholders in the biotechnology and food safety sectors, all emphasizing the importance of rigorous safety protocols and scientific integrity in the development and regulation of GM foods.


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